Infinitee Golf Computer Software
Very wide angle screenshot taken from game
This is what we are all about.

Well, simply stated, we love golf, computers, and computer golf! And we got tired of playing the same courses over and over. So, we started down the path of creating this game, and hence, Infinitee Golf was born.

Our founder actually came up with the idea of Infinitee Golf over 20 years ago and has been developing it off and on since then. This project has come to fruition mainly due to his commitment and passion to the idea that a golf game shouldn't be limited by the number of courses available for play.

Our mission is to provide games without limits. Games that don't need additional packs to be purchased for continual enjoyment. Through Infinitee Golf the game, and the weekly tournaments, we hope to provide years of enjoyment and entertainment to computer golfers throughout the world. Infinitee Golf is just the beginning. We have other games in the works that also play well into the 'infinitee' frame of mind.

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